Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hello Hilton Head!!!!!!!!!!!!

You might be wondering what happened with the last of God's little cyberspace mysteries! Enroute to Hilton Head, we came to realize why there's so much cotton on the roadside....
The guest wing for November

view of the Master....Rick thinks he's the master!


how long do you figure Rick will keep it this tidy????????????????

what-a-view!!!!!!!!!!!! Dolfins came by to welcome us. Stay tuned

Last Day in New Bern

As we travelled back over the bridge to New Bern, we saw piles of cotton lining the sides of the we see snow piled up. "YES", that's cotton in our grill work!
The fire hydrants around town were painted to represent people of history - old and new...all in celebration of the 300 th anniversary.


Friday Night Ghost Walk

We went back out Friday night to continue the annual Ghost walk around town. This is where we met the ghost of Caleb Bradham in his pharmacy where he first invented "Brad's Drink". He never came to realize that his invention would become one of the most popular drinks!

Caleb Bradham
There were many locations on the walk where we couldn't take pictures of the ghosts ( people who either inhabited the building or simply visited the building)....such as President Harry Truman who visited the First Baptist Church to help celebrate their 100 th aniversary in 1948

Attmore-Oliver House was also called "Agony Alley"...a WW ll USO club. We enjoyed tunes like "boogie-woogie bugle boy of Company B" and "Gonna take a sentimental journey". The "ghost" here was Tyrone Power, who danced with local ladies on his way to the warfront...

front view of Attmore-Oliver House

A Look Around New Bern

Just incase you needed to see more bears...these placques are placed all through the historic district to help tourists find points of interst.
These poles are on both sides of the bridge guiding visitors into New Bern.

The bridge system is beyond amazing!!!!!! I'm sure Rick hit the accelerator as we drove over "miles" of bridge-ways...not fond of being in the air........

another view of the bridges from land

New Bern Bears

In the celebration of New Bern's 300 th Anniversary, the city had 50 "bears" hand painted by local artists and placed around town. This bear is called BEARon de Graffenried...founder of New Bern. He came to "America" in 1710 and "claimed" this town, naming it after his home town, Bern Switzerland. Bern means Bear....enjoy....
Freedom Bear

Bear E. Essentials

This Bear is out front of the ABC liquor store!

Sailor Bear

Flag Bearer...... out front of City Hall

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cemetery Ghost Walk

The New Bern Historical Society runs an annual Ghost Walk for the 3 days leading up to Halloween
Local actors perform 4-5 minute acts depicting the lives of early settlers to 20 th Century inhabitants of the cemetery

Who says you can't find fashion from the past. Marie, I think this hat has your name on it!

Captain and Mrs. Williams operated the ferry across the Neuse River...until he walked out onto "thin" ice.

Two German captains of a U boat that travelled up and down the US coast. .... blowing up Merchant Marine ships. After being captured, they were brought ashore...and the rest is HISTORY. Fun was had by all!

New Bern Cemetery

Now, some of you may know that I am attracted to cemeteries....they have so much history, family information....and even mistresses are buried not too far away!

The variety of headstones and the "more information than I needed", continue to add to our adventure.

Big, small, short, tall...they're all here

It's the tree that caught my eye. Our trip to the cemetery was two fold...stay tuned

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Bern Condo

Our home for the next two nights. The lighting isn't great for photos but the condo is very spacious.

Think this jacuzzi will get some use tomorrow night after a day of walking all around New Bern.

Screened porch off the master and the living room...looking out over the golf course.

Leaving Williamsburg

Major Naval Ship building at Newport Neuse
Heading under water ( Neuse River and Atlantic Ocean )

"When in Rome".......ya just gotta go in and.........

..and buy some peanuts, oil and stress buster!

....and appreciate the tools from the past.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winery continued

the bottles "magically" appear from a hole in the wall....
get filled, corked ( real), and shrink wrapped....

...on their way for labelling both front and back. Life is Good!

This press isn't use any more but I'm sure it did it's job in the past. The tasting session introduced us to 7 wines: red, white and dessert. It was an excellent education and we went "outside of our comfort zone"...and purchased 3 whites, 3 reds and one spiced. " A day without wine..."you finish the quote so it fits . On to New Bern NC in the morning.